12 thoughts on “The Presidential Race And Space”

    1. Jeb: Spanish-speaking people were among of the first of many people in historic times to emigrate to this great land of ours, and as President, it is my goal that they will be the first to set foot on Mars.

      Trump: Did I tell you that I like people? Yes, I like many different people because as a business man I need to like people. I like all kinds of people, including Martians.

      Christie: A replacement for the Shuttle never got built? Let me tell you, I had nothing to do with that. People say I knew the guy responsible from back in in high school, but I was an athlete and that guy was a dweeb. I was popular and he was a nobody. So no, I did not know him.

      Rubio: My parents came here to seek freedom, and if Martians want to come here, they are seeking the same thing.

      Cruz: If Martian lawyers and bankers and media people had to endure competition from Earth lawyers and bankers and media people, the media would be telling a different story about Earth people going to Mars.

      Kasich: Poor people also have a right to go to Mars. Do you want to appear before Saint Peter and admit that you prevented poor people from going to Mars?

      Carson: Did I tell you I tried to stab a guy back in Detroit who said he was from Mars? But that was before I found the Lord — I would not do such a thing to a Martian today.

      Fiorina: If I was running NASA, we would be to Jupiter and back, 10 times already.

      Rand Paul: The government has no business sending people to Mars. That should be the realm of Internet billionaires who shake the government down for commercial-space contracts.

  1. I’m still scratching my head over what Cruz meant by the commercial companies lacking “stated exploration objectives.” They’ve stated that they want to do things like take paying customers to space or colonize Mars. That may not have much to do with exploration, but so what?

    1. My guess is that this is Cruz’s way of saying Orion/SLS is needed (he’s come out clearly in support of it in the past) without really criticizing the commercial players.

  2. Trump: We should tell the Mexicans that there are jobs, welfare, and free health care on Mars. If nothing can stop them from getting into the US, then nothing can stop them from getting to Mars! Problem solved! Next!

  3. I’ve long believed that sending politicians to space (as happened a time or two on shuttle) was a very good policy. I’m all for sending more of them.
    Provided, of course, that we don’t do anything silly, such as bring them back.

  4. Hillary Clinton:

    “My position on Mars is it would be an EXCELLENT place to locate my new email server!”

    Bernie Sanders:

    “I am all for Mars because my good friend Dr. Spock lives near there and I haven’t seen him in a while and it involves spending government money and I LIKE spending government money!”

    1. Hillary already put out her space policy, getting to the bottom of the UFO coverup. It sounds like a joke but isn’t and is it any wonder why our media hasn’t given her the Carson treatment?

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