3 thoughts on “3-D Printing Human Tissue”

  1. I hope all the people who like to post here realise one thing about this technology and all the other potential life extension treatments that may come into use over the next decade or so: they virtually guarantee, at least in part, some type of government run health care system. Unless you want the development of a Gattaca type society, the government is going to have guarantee at least a basic level life extension package for the general population. Otherwise, you’re setting society up for a very deep division between the long-lifers and short-lifers. If nothing else, the lefties will fight this tooth an claw unless there’s some sort of guaranteed access to life extension technologies.

    1. Really? 350 million customers wont drive the price down? The recipe wouldn’t get leaked so that people could print body parts in their garage? I think the porn and adult toy industry would see to it that access is increased.

      In a government controlled system, it would be more likely that only certain people had access to this technology but I wouldn’t be surprised if some politicians claimed they had to control it to prevent abuses only for us to see those abuses take place anyway.

      IMO, far more money to be made if they can hit a price point that most people can afford. Maybe it will even be like getting new bewbs or lasic and prices are more affordable than other procedures.

  2. The risk is the following two items: Government outlaws encryption (so-called weak-encryption, isn’t) & government outlaws owning files to allow you to 3D print: guns, organs, drugs, you name it.

    As regards single-payer healthcare…

    I see no evidence that this will do squat for healthcare costs, other than to restrict access when rising tax rates cannot keep up with healthcare costs. And kid yourself not. Bernie’s plan to replace $5K in annual healthcare premiums with $500 tax increase not only doesn’t add up, but you are only kidding yourself if you think your healthcare tax will remain at $500 per annum forever…

    The fairness doctrine presents all sorts of problems that will be at the forefront if the US ever adopts a single-payer healthcare system. This practically guarantees the Left will lobby to outlaw supplemental private health insurance, since that will be unavailable to the poor. Ergo, everybody gets to present their case equally to the unelected and unaccountable death panel.

    Why would you favor having our healthcare system run like our state DMV’s or our public schools? Nobody I’ve ever posed this question to directly has ever come up with a good answer.

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