2 thoughts on “BMI”

  1. I’d like an in-depth study comparing Body -Mass- Index, Body -Fat- Index, ethnicity, and health.

    Genetically “Northern European Females” just seem flat wildly different from any number of specific Asian blocs. Say, Vietnamese or Japanese. (Chinese/Mongolian seems to cover a variety of groupings to me.)

    My wife, for one, has a fairly athletically-demanding job and it roundly criticized yearly on BMI. Yet if I was asked to point to a spot and say “Remove ten pounds right here”, I would be refusing. And ten pounds is nowhere near enough to push her into “compliance.”

  2. When I was in the Navy, we had a guy in Engineering Dept who was working out so he was in great shape to go to BUDS.

    When our yearly physical exams came around, Pete was ”overweight” according to the BMI and the neck / chest measurement idiocy. He went out in town and paid for a ‘float test’ to get his actual body fat percentage. It was less than 10%.

    He did go to BUDS and eventually became a SEAL. If the powers that be had had their way, he would have had to lose a bunch of muscle mass to make weight.

    It was stupid then, it’s stupid now.

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