Trump Versus Hillary

Preferring the pirate:

As for the other option, do not believe it is necessarily survivable. A Clinton Restoration will be very much like the Bourbon Restoration in France, having learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Hillary will use both the legal and illegal powers of the Presidency to systematically dismember the American Right, seeking to use her term(s) in office to permanently cripple its ability to block the social-justice warriors’ agenda. She undoubtedly looks on Obama’s weak and easily distracted measures with contempt. The use of the IRS to attack right-wing institutions was fully uncovered during the Obama administration without effective consequence. Therefore we can expect it to be used much more consistently and systematically under the Clinton Restoration. A number of measures will be used to permanently handicap the Republican Party, such as Puerto Rican statehood and, possibly, the abolition of the Electoral College, allowing corrupt urban machines to flood the ballot boxes with the votes of the Deceased-American demographic. The FCC will be used to muzzle conservative media and a progressive majority on the Supreme Court will erode all ten Amendments of the Bill of Rights.

As I’ve noted repeatedly, the silver lining of a Trump presidency is that it might finally stir some sense in the Congress of its Constitutional prerogatives.

But I’d still prefer that it doesn’t come to that.

[Late-afternoon update]

The perils and promise of authenticity.

As I’ve repeatedly said, I totally get the anger. These are people I grew up with in Flint, and I know them well and the “elite” on both sides of the aisle have shat on them repeatedly, for decades. But the tragedy of this desperate search for authenticity is that it has resulted in them being taken in by a confidence man.

3 thoughts on “Trump Versus Hillary”

  1. Hah! The current King of Spain is from House Bourbon. He’s more a token figurehead than anything else but he’s still the head of state.

    One could rather argue that there were more problems caused by France after the last of the Bourbons abdicated, resulting in Napoleon III afterwards, than that Bourbon himself.

    1. Yeah, Godzilla, that is totally relevant to the issue discussed here.

      Maybe you are Bob-1 (aka “Sidetrack Bob”) writing under another nom-de-plume?

  2. Dick Cheney states that Madam Secretary is the odds-on favorite to start another Middle Eastern war. Keep in mind that he thinks that is a Good Thing ™.

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