6 thoughts on “Trump’s Speech Patterns”

  1. I see they note that Trump repeats himself less than the others. That’s actually one of the things I like about Trump, because to me, the repetition common in politics come across as a sales pitch, which has decidedly negative connotations for me (as does someone coming across as lawyerly). To me, a sales pitch or a lawyerly parsing of words comes across as dishonest.

    As for Ross Perot, I studied him during my PolySci classes in college. Frankly, I found his notorious half-hour charts and graphs campaign add the most effective one I’ve ever seen, precisely because it wasn’t the normal over-simplified set of slogans masquerading as policy. I am also well aware that I’m pretty much alone in finding that ad style effective.

    What I don’t like about Trump’s usual manner of speaking is his incoherence.

      1. I agree he doesn’t actually say much.

        However, we ought to beware; implying Trump is verbose could cause him to give a 6 hour speech outlining in rambling detail how and why he is not verbose. 🙂

      2. Mr. Trump is repetitive — very, very repetitive. Yugely repetitive. Did I say that he is repetitive? I want to really, really make sure I get my point across . . .

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