4 thoughts on “The Latest Email”

  1. This isn’t as bad as it looks for Clinton – it’s only bad if February comes before March, and I’m sure she’ll soon argue that it does not.

    Also, her claim she complied with the law regarding her declaration that she turned over her work-related mails to the State Department may well be, as she claims, 90% true, which means she’s only guilty of perjury 10% of the time.

    Nothing to see here… look a squirrel!

  2. In her campaign statement isn’t she just saying that because 90% of her emails went through “state.gov” accounts the State Department had them without the need for her to hand them over? That it’s the less than 10% that went through other accounts that the State Department didn’t automatically have access to?

    Just asking.

  3. Don’t be so happy about email scandal. It’s breaking way to early, which means you’ll have Karl Marx’s editor as the totalicrats nominee, and the drones will vote for him in droves. The RCP match ups show him beating almost all the Repub candidates, except possibly for Kasich.

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