11 thoughts on “Palin Flops In Wisconsin”

  1. Kasich was introduced by former governor Tommy Thompson, who enthusiastically recalled how Kasich balanced the federal budget.

    Well I’m sold.

  2. I’ll withhold judgement until I actually hear her speech. That article was pure characterization and many writers simply don’t like Sarah.

    Cruz and Kasich have never generated much enthusiasm.

  3. –I wonder if all of the insane abuse she’s taken for the past seven years has driven her around the bend? —

    It seems to be the desire connected of such insane abuse is cause insanity.
    Though it seems that the insanity of a mob is generally ineffective- in all it attempts to do- which includes the attempt to cause everyone to join the madness of the mob [the short term delusion of unity].
    Anyhow, I don’t think Palin has been driven around the bend, though she has always been a bit kooky.

    I do think the Clinton may have cracked or snapped. Or simply lost patience with pretending to be nice:
    [linked from Drudge].
    Or perhaps the lulling effects of whatever drugs she has been taking has not strong enough the mask the fact that she losing her primary campaign {again].

  4. More likely she became addicted to the attention and money national prominence brings. The real nutjob though is McCain, who selected an authentic backwater snow billy for his VP. Mind, I’ve got nothing against snow billies, unless you’re trying to actually win an election for POTUS.

    1. Snow billies? Could you be any more contemptuous of your fellow Americans?

      How much State tax do you pay? Alaska pays dividends.

    2. I remember reading an article at PJM a few years ago. I don’t have a link, but it theorized that McCain’s pick of a governor that nobody had heard of was designed to fail, but backfired in a “Producers”-like fashion. I find that theory amusing.

      There is no question that McCain threw the election. “My friendsh, you have nothing to fear from an Obama presidency.” What candidate has ever said anything like that? Then he suspended his campaign to vote for a bank bailout that practically everyone in the country opposed. While Obama was running as an economic conservative. (It sounds incredible, but I remember it well. Obama ran to the right of McCain on the economy.)

      I think the “Producers” theory of Palin’s unexpected popularity is very believable.

    3. This must be another one of those people who thought Palin was a drag on McCain’s campaign, instead of being what reinvigorated it.

  5. I tend to cut her some slack mainly because (a) I’ve always found her hot; and (b) the people I’ve heard denigrate her intelligence are “liberals” State-cultists. If you really believe that Big Brother is our best friend, and the more power we give him the better off we’ll all be, you’re in no position to throw stones at anyone else’s intelligence. That said, she might have used up that slack, and I’ll have to resign myself to those “Nailin’ Paylin” videos.

  6. I assume her reference to handing out gift baskets and soccer balls refers to Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz handing out gift baskets and soccer balls to illegal immigrants in 2014.

    story and photos

    1. I’m amazed how often Sarah says something that others ridicule, but when you research it you find Sarah is right. Other times she repeats some goof an opponent made without attributing it and again the idiots accuse her of being dumb.

      People continue to confuse style and substance.

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