Treating Symptoms

I’m not as shocked that cholesterol-reduction drugs don’t alleviate heart problems as these “scientists” are. There’s plenty of good science out there, but it doesn’t fit the orthodoxy, and encouraging better (not low-fat or low-cholesterol) diets don’t generate revenue for drug companies.

One other point: Nowhere in that article is the fact that taking CoQ10 can alleviate muscle pain from statins discussed. What a bunch of crap.

One thought on “Treating Symptoms”

  1. The most interesting part of the cited article for me was the finding that most muscle pain in patients taking statins isn’t from the statin at all. Dr. Nissen pretty well proved that in the GAUSS-3 study. On the other hand, the failure of yet another CETP inhibitor shouldn’t be much of a surprise at this point.

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