My Global Access Application

You may recall that I signed up for it, instead of TSA Pre-check, because it included expedited customs (though I don’t travel that much internationally), and only costs $15 more. I’ve been provisionally approved after only two or three weeks, but I can’t get an interview until JUNE 27th. So a) I have to make sure I’m in town that day and b) I have to continue to hope for random TSA Pre-check until then.


[Friday update]

Woo hoo!

Someone sent me a Python script to go out and look for appointments opening up. I used it to snag an appointment for Monday.

4 thoughts on “My Global Access Application”

  1. Since I work for a company with a big CBP contract I get announcements from DHS, and so I got the news that the TSA is phasing out the random PreCheck allocations, but I don’t remember when the last day is, I’d have to check the news releases, but I do remember it’s going to happen.

    1. I got one for my flight yesterday from DEN/PHX, but not for PHX/DEN on Sunday. If I hadn’t had it yesterday, I’d have probably missed my flight.

  2. Check back frequently on their site — appointments open up all the time due to cancellations. I got mine within a week, even through my original was 6 weeks out.

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