Charles Koch

…and the Republic of Science.

There are few people in public life so misunderstood and/or mischaracterized as the brothers Koch.

[Update a few minutes later

Check out this amusing bit of projection:

“We really see higher education as the first cog in their political machine,” said Kalin Jordan, a co-founder of UnKochMyCampus. “They see themselves as creating the next generation [of libertarian thinkers] and in creating a next generation, they’re really pushing out any other thought on campus. They’re not interested in creating diversity of thoughts.”

Translation: “They’re fighting back against our successful decades-long fight to push out any thoughts on campus that aren’t leftist.”

17 thoughts on “Charles Koch”

  1. Almost all of the people trying to ban free speech and our Constitutional rights are leftists, be it either Democratic politicians, leftwing academics, or communist student groups. Yet, these same people are going to claim that no one should vote for Donald Trump, because he, in league with the Republicans, is going to take away our Constitutional rights.

    A reason to overcome a distaste for Trump.

    Trump may disappoint, but so did Fred Thompson.

      1. Fred Thompson was a candidate I believe most in the Republican party could get solidly behind. But he didn’t attract the intense energy like some of his competition, which he needed to win an N way primary the way they were done.

      2. He is our bloviating ignorant scam-artist narcissistic jackass. Unlike Fred he may actually get the job done.

          1. You don’t like Trump. I get that. But ultimately, what is the realistic alternative? I request a real answer, not magical thinking. As bad as Trump may be, the alternative (Hillary, Sanders, Bden, etc.) are worse.

          2. Because, barring something dramatic and unforeseen (e.g. an assassination attempt or dramatic health event), Trump will be the Republican nominee. Likewise, the odds are still pretty good that Hillary will be the Democrat nominee. So, your alternatives come November will be to vote for Trump, vote for Hillary, go third party, or not vote at all. Your incessant trashing of Trump accomplishes nothing to change any of those options. It’s like us complaining about the SLS. All of the complaints are, in our opinion, legitimate but ultimately accomplish nothing.

      3. Unfortunately, those characteristics hold a significant advantage over those of the alternative.

  2. Funding for the Koch influence machine comes from $115 billion (sales) Koch Industries, which Charles continues to steer as chairman. He has held that job since 1967, when the company was worth $50 million.

  3. The Koch Brothers . . . those, scary evil plutocrats who WANT TO LEAVE YOU ALONE!!!

    (Unlike the benevolent Darth Soros.)

    1. They also want to be left alone, and a rich man left alone terrifies the parasite left.

      1. I’m not sure if it is just a rich man left along; then again, rich is no longer defined as having a house, tv, computer, and car; because that’s basics to be covered by welfare. Rich seems to be having a job. Have a job and want freedom; why that is just terrifying to some.

  4. To be fair, though, the Koch brothers are genuinely rich by any reasonable use of the word.

    Good on ’em, I say, since they seem to have gotten there fair and square.

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