7 thoughts on “XCOR”

  1. I bet the new management has been shopping the thing around, trying to find a way to monetize what they’ve got. I suspect they’re happy to give it to a new partner to finish the development, as long as they retain some kind of financial interest to share in any eventual profits. They’re not emotionally invested in it like Jeff was, so they wouldn’t mind letting someone else take over the project.

  2. Keywords to note when inerpreting corporate announcements: “strategic alliance” versus “investment”; “memorandum of understanding” versus “contract.”

    1. Yup. Unless something radically changes at XCOR, it will be years, if ever, before this agreement has any practical meaning.

      Though I do think Prestwick would be a good launch site…

      1. a 400 mile radius around Prestwick would be a much more interesting view than Midlands or Mojave–assuming it’s not too cloudy. 10-16 days/month precipitation.

  3. ““We already have the vast majority of the infrastructure in place and with as little as £1million investment we could be up and running. ”

    THAT is how much XCOR couldn’t find to complete the plane while everyone was still in place? Seems like chump change in funding.

  4. If you’ve got red-headed step-child you’re looking to abandon, Scotland would seem to be a logical place to do it.

  5. I’m getting Rocketplane vibes here.

    Ever since Jeff left I’ve had very little confidence in this going forward. They also fired everyone working on the Lynx I think. This just seems like a way to get a buck.

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