A President Clinton

…would be out of control:

Someone somewhere should have told her no. But if the president wasn’t going to tell her no, who would? Staff at the State Department? They might have been willing to tell some other secretary of state no, but Clinton? Too risky, it seems. They certainly went along without visible objection, and without even leaks.

The press? When The New York Times reported Clinton’s secret, illegal server, Politico’s Glenn Thrush, far from condemning it, called it “badass.”

Congress? Clinton has stonewalled and run rings around numerous committees investigating her. Besides, Congress had already told her no, in the form of statutes governing the treatment of government communications and classified information. She just ignored those rules and did what she wanted. Hotel magnate Leona Helmsley famously said that “only little people pay taxes.” Clinton seems to feel the same way about obeying laws.

Yes. This is a variation my continuing theme, he can be impeached and removed, she cannot. The Republicans will rein him in, the Democrats will give her free rein, as they have with Obama. And amazingly, even Chris Matthews agrees. Are the Democrats, at long last, realizing what a monster they’ve created?

Related: Hillary has only herself to blame for the mess she’s in. Yup. But why wouldn’t she have done it. The media and her party have enabled her for decades. Why wouldn’t she think she could continue to get away with it?

[Update a couple minutes later]

The FBI has an intense ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation. As well they should be, but it’s getting to be kind of late. What happens once she’s president elect? Does Obama pre-emptively pardon her? Not sure that’s Constitutional.

[Update a while later]

Former FBI official: The Clintons are a crime family:

“The Clintons, that’s a crime family, basically,” Kallstrom said. “It’s like organized crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.”
Kallstrom, best known for leading the investigation into the explosion of TWA flight 800 in the late ’90s, said that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, was a “pathological liar.”

He also blasted Attorney General Loretta Lynch, claiming that she impeded the investigation into Clinton’s private server.

“The problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation,” he said. “That’s the problem. They never had a grand jury empanelled, and the reason they never had a grand jury empanelled, I’m sure, is Loretta Lynch would not go along with that.”

Because the fish rots from the head.

9 thoughts on “A President Clinton”

  1. Are the Democrats, at long last, realizing what a monster they’ve created?

    Short answer. No! We have a long, long ways to go before it even begins to sink into their thick skulls. The fact that the Democrat party has now woven violence and physical intimidation against dissenting voters into their election strategies shows far we sunken into their dirty cesspool.

  2. From what I’ve read (like that “liberal” clown calling Queen Cacklepants “badass”), an-out-of-control Hillary presidency would be more of a feature than a drawback. These State-f*ckers won’t rest until we’re Venezuela del Norte. Although as Glenn Reynolds keeps asking, does the prospect of a Trump presidency ever give “liberals” second thoughts about their absolute-power presidential wet dreams?

  3. Yes, someone should have told her “no”. Because, of course, it’s not as if she’s an adult capable of making, and being responsible for, her own decisions.

    Gee, that really sounds like someone who should be trusted with the nuclear launch codes.

  4. “Are the Democrats, at long last, realizing what a monster they’ve created?”

    ‘Course not. All they care about is if she pushes the ratchet in the correct direction (Left).

  5. The worse thing you can do to some people is give them what they want. There is no denying that Hillary knows govt.

    Trump is projected as a tyrant when the real one is shoving it into everyone’s faces.

    Last night I realized that Trump really will win. It was when I was looking at how Japan, Russia and other people perceive Trump. There is a strong current of 1Thes 5:3 in it. Sudden destruction is in our near future after peace and security (a U.N. initiative, is announced.) I was thinking Hillary would be the one turning our sovereignty over to the U.N., but now think the GOP elites will move us there during Trump’s term.

  6. The Democrats bring out an immigrant man and his wife who lost a son in the Iraq war at their convention and Donald Trump cannot stop talk-talk-talk-tweet-tweet regarding his doubts about their sincerity, wiping out any bounce from the Republican Convention.

    Ms. Clinton brings up an immigrant whom Mr. Trump “fat shamed” in connection with one of his “beauty pageants” and Mr. Trump keeps talking and tweeting and keeping that bit of negative publicity going.

    A tape is made public of Mr. Trump at his most vulgar “locker room” worst, which appears to be driving the nails on the coffin lid of his campaign when first Wikileaks starts leaking again and then the Friday dustup regarding the loose-cannon estranged hubby of Secretary Clinton’s closest confidant having a treasure trove of private-e-mail-server-relevant e-mails. Ms. Clinton and her surrogates go nuts over this one. Talk-talk-tweet-tweet.

    C’mon, keep this up. Keep pressing home on every on-camera moment how terrible Director Comey is. Hammer on the talking point that he defied President Obama’s chief law enforcement officer on this. C’mon, people, don’t go down without a fight. Talk and talk and tweet and tweet and interview and interview at every possible opportunity. Please, please, please, keep this matter in the public eye, keep talking, stick to your guns, don’t let smear and innuendo go unanswered, please, please, keep this thing going in the Media for another seven days, at least . . .

    1. Paul probably believes Trump will nuke little girls picking daisies.

      What you the State-fellators don’t realize, Paul, is that at his worst Trump is still a less detestable person than the Alinksyite Witch; and certainly less of a threat to liberty if you value the Second Amendment (which State fellators don’t, usually)./

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