18 thoughts on “Another Reason To Vote For Trump”

  1. The reason to vote for Trump has never changed; he will upset the DC applecart. Really, the DC/NY/CA applecart, but I’m not greedy; I’ll take just DC.

  2. Probably an obvious point, but it would be interesting to break it down by job position. I imagine the EPA would be higher than say, DHS.

    Also to consider if they want to leave because they realize their jobs are in jeopardy.

    1. I have to believe that those who’d leave over Trump being elected would strongly tend to be those who most need to be gone.

      1. Indeed. This occurred to me when another show-biz “liberal” claimed he’d leave the US if Trump were elected. Wouldn’t that be great if all “liberals” (and by “liberals” I mean of course “tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State-fellators”) just moved en masse to one of those socialist countries they always say the US should be more like? They could have their precious socialism and experience the kind of serfdom they apparently long for, and–this is the beauty part–LEAVE THOSE OF US WHO VALUE LIBERTY THE HELL ALONE!! (Hint, hint, Baghdad Jim!)

  3. 35% of federal workers say they’d leave the government if he wins.

    I’m selling stock in a bridge in Brooklyn, New York. May I send you a prospectus?

    Really? You think more than 5 people would actually do this?

  4. Right…. you’re not going to pry 1% of these people off the federal teat with anything less than wholesale firings. And then when the leftist judicial system gets involved we’ll end up with closer to 35% growth.

    1. Leftists on the bench may need to be among the first fired … which requires a majority of the House and 2/3 of the Senate.

    1. They have a whole layer of the unreal economy to fall back on… teaching the next generation because adults have lost interest in demographics. As Bill Whittle correctly points out, humans are programmable and we’re allowing enemies of our country (but don’t dare to question their patriotism) to program them.

      Multiculturalism includes all cultures except America’s. In the UK, the comedian starts off his show by asking, “any white people here?”

      This isn’t racism, just acknowledgement that the predominant culture of America (until about 1965) was from the dregs of Europe. We were that shining city and we still have those deplorables, but the evil intent is to destroy them if we don’t actively protect that culture and return to the melting pot. A melting pot, that because humans are programmable, included every race on earth.

      1. Newsflash, Ken. Your national socialist culture isn’t actually “American.” You’re just copying a failed Eurotrash experiment which was destroyed by *real* Americans.

    2. I suppose a few of them could take advantage of Instapundit’s revolving door and go work at Goldman Sachs or similar. Other than that, lotsa luck.

  5. Trump and Pence should be making this final argument to the fence sitters and people weakly siding with Hillary:

    “You are thinking of voting for Hillary because you think she will do things you want done. What you have to realize is that Hillary will only do something if it’s in Hillary’s interests. If what you want done is not in her interest: screw you. She doesn’t even know you exist nor does she care about you and what you want.”

    VDH says it best:

    “For the Clintons, power is the narcotic of being sought out, of being surrounded by retainers, of bringing enemies to heel and enticing sycophants with benefits. Liberalism and progressivism are mere social and cultural furniture, the “correct” politics of their background that one mouths and exploits to obtain and maintain political clout — and to get really, really rich without guilt or apology.”

  6. Bill Whittle put it pretty well:

    We know that Hillary as President would accelerate the destruction of the Republic.

    Trump, on the other hand, isn’t a cure, though he might at least be a tourniquet.


    1. If Trump does something against the American people’s interest it will be because he’s wrong, not because he’s evil. We can work with that. It’s not the president’s job to fix the evils the progressives have brought us. It is our job and our representatives.

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