5 thoughts on “Colluding With Russia”

  1. As mentioned, the one flaw with the Obama-collusion theory is what did the Russians do for him as part of it.

    However, look back at the history of the 2012 campaign. One of the pivotal moments was when Obama ridiculed Romney’s statement that Russia is our #1 geopolitical foe by saying “The 1980’s called, and they want their foreign policy back.”

    Had the Russians done anything worrysome in the following days, that ridicule would have boomeranged on Obama. Yet he was so very confident in saying it, as if he knew they wouldn’t.

    And he did subsequently curtail US missile defenses, just as promised.

    Collusion? Maybe – and it’s a lot more solid, based on the evidence, than anything regarding Trump.

    However, for really glaring collusion, you just can’t beat Hillary Clinton and the Uranium One deal. It’s all there, including the payoff.

    1. “And he did subsequently curtail US missile defenses, just as promised.

      Collusion? Maybe – and it’s a lot more solid, based on the evidence, than anything regarding Trump.”

      Well he basically replaced the proposed THAAD with SM-3s in Eastern Europe. But THAAD was installed in South Korea and Turkey. The concessions Obama made in that regard were a fig leaf at best.
      Then there’s the Ukranian coup and the sanctions on Russia. He basically talked about the reset but basically stabbed them in the back. The truth is Russia had much better relations with the USA back when Bush Jr. was President and Afghanistan and fighting Al-Qaeda were a focus.

  2. As mentioned, the one flaw with the Obama-collusion theory is what did the Russians do for him as part of it.

    They were both working toward a common goal. All Russia had to do for Obama to get something out of it is for Russia to do what they wanted. Obama’s interests were not always those of our country or even domestic politics.

  3. Comey “will” investigate the Clinton Foundation if presented with evidence? I think that says that he will never, ever, under any circumstances, even think about the Clinton Foundation, since the evidence of wrongdoing is so ubiquitous that only a moron (or a “denier”) could conclude that it was a big nothingburger.

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