One thought on “The “Mainstream” Media And Guns”

  1. No one really knows why the restrictions on suppressors were put into the Firearms Act of 1934, though concern over poaching of both wild game and farm animals for food during the Depression is often cited. A real study of criminal use of firearms can be found here:

    For my own part, I wish they were readily available. My wife and I often shoot at the NRA Headquarters range in Fairfax, VA, where they (unfortunately) use the same lanes for rifles and handguns (we almost always shoot the latter). Often, we wind up being given a lane next to one where some guy is shooting an unsuppressed AR-15 with 7.62×39 ammo. Everyone is wearing hearing protection. My wife wears both foam plugs AND earmuffs. That does nothing to ameliorate the smack in the face and chest that the rifle puts out. My wife can’t stand it at all. I have a high tolerance for such sound, but even I have to quit shooting and request another lane. Shooters generally recognize this, while hoplophobic idiots of the press deny that such a thing could be of concern.

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