4 thoughts on “The #JourneyToMars”

  1. The NASA reference mission PDF is 384 pages. Searching it I find Orion 11 times, but SLS zero. Launch system is mentioned once, but not referring to SLS. Haven’t gone through the whole thing yet.

    I think NASA understands that SpaceX is going to make fools of them and is pivoting to other justifications? Meanwhile, Elon keeps cheerleading NASA.

  2. A lot of commenters over there are saying things like the NASA video is an example of an autocratic regime’s propaganda to prop up dear leader and Potemkin villages.

    What do they think the #JourneyToMars was? There were a few commenters pushing back, thankfully.

    Not sure why so many of them think everyone else is stupid when they can’t even look objectively at the way NASA was run over the last 8 years. But then again, they are gullible enough to fall for the AGW apocalypse scam, so expectations can’t be too high.

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