First-Amendment Theater

Some thoughts from what seems to be a rare bird these days: An actual news organization.

10 thoughts on “First-Amendment Theater”

  1. Brennan’s claim that he is being silenced by the removal of his clearance is nothing more than whining:

    There is nothing he could say (legally that is) a week ago that he cannot say now. The only difference is that now he cannot leak classified material.

    1. The only difference is that now he cannot leak classified material.

      Correction: He no longer has legal access to classified material that he can then leak.

      Makes him a lot less useful to the J-school graduates.

      1. You’re right Raul….he has classified material already in his mind/possession that he can still leak.

    2. All the other whiners piling on need to be granted their wish. If you think a security clearance is about an ability to criticize the President; then you don’t understand the trust you were provided nor the basics of our Constitution you swore to protect.

      The new CNN employee has shown a regular habit of being careless with classified information when around the media. He’s blown one humint asset from such carelessness. Because he was a sycophant of the then President, Brennan’s missteps were previously ignored.

  2. I also love how the same people who were apoplectic about the outcome of the Citizens United case are now free speech absolutists when it comes to Facebook or Twitter censuring impure thoughts.

    The real problem is that these companies want to play “common carrier” except when they are carrying badthink, at which point they want to play “publisher”. They need to pick one and stick with it. But I think it’s too late. They are going to get the gov’t telling them what they are, and how to run their business.

    Fairness Doctrine anyone? The left tried to revive that a while back to silence dissent, and I will no longer have any problem with such impositions and micromanagement.

    They asked for it, and they should get it, good and hard.

    1. When you work it through, what’s going on is a tantrum response to both the loss in Citizens United and the end of “Net Neutrality”. The socialist democrats wanted to control speech. They thought they could with Citizens United, but they lost. Then they tried to control the Internet, and they lost. So now they are colluding with businesses (in a fascist and monopolistic manner) to control speech.

      It is not working out well, because we still live in a relatively free market. Facebook is down 20% from its 52 week high, and Twitter is down 30%. Alphabet is doing relatively better, but it is down 5% which is still lower than the DJIA.

      Setting aside the in kind donations these companies are giving to democrats by silencing oppositional voices; how many billions in fortune can these companies continue to give and remain viable? And these companies aren’t exactly being protected by the socialists, because you need only read the news in Europe to know the penalties these social media companies are paying for sharing user data.

      They did ask for it, and the bad luck is just starting for them.

  3. That the media all has the same message, the DNC message, shows that looking at the situation from the other perspective isn’t a possibility and wont happen if anyone from the Obama administration is punished for trying to swing the election and foment a coup.

    There are two competing POV’s, that Trump colluded with the Russians and that Obama, Hillary, the DNC, the media, and IC colluded with themselves and foreign powers. The known evidence supports the later and believers in the former use circular reasoning and cite participants in the plot to justify their beliefs.

    We need a media that isn’t entangled through participation in order to get legitimate reporting. We won’t get it just like we won’t get an actual investigation of what Russia did during the election.

    1. I’m not so old that I can’t recall the media outrage over Sinclair media coordinating a single message within its own company.

  4. I’m so old I can remember being told “This is what mind control looks like” when a bunch of media outlets all said the same thing at the same time.

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