One thought on “The Generic Congressional Ballot”

  1. Someone attempted to dox my manager, because he had the audacity to support Trump on Facebook. Without mentioning the company and only providing his views to a friend on what he thought was private; someone did a few searches and pasted his personal information and comments across Facebook and LinkedIn. And nothing will come of it, because despite the hate from the doxxer; my manager did nothing to be ashamed of, and our company isn’t stupid.

    I mention this, because it is just one more example of the moderate left’s radicalization, which is effective in silencing even mild views of those on the right. So when I see a poll that shows a dead even race; I’m fairly sure it is under predicting voters that will vote on the right.

    The actions of this past week are definitely bad for the President and the GOP on many levels. But in many ways, nothing new was learned. The Democrats will use any excuse, even making them up, to slander Trump and Republicans. The GOP will do nothing to stand up for itself or voters. Oh, and Trump associates with some of the real scum of the Earth, which says a bit about who he is, yet we already knew.

    The recent past has shown that when the GOP becomes ineffective; the voters move to grassroots and mobilize. Hopefully they will do it again.

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