7 thoughts on “Doubling Lifespan”

  1. I don’t know. One species of nematodes, wuchereria bancrofti, causes elephantiasis. I may sit out the round of human trials on this one.

  2. Not sure if those two comments are sarcastic or if they didn’t actually read the article.

    I had to read the article because I thought that the “OK, it’s nematodes” referred to “It’s nematodes, not drugs”.

    Now that I’ve read it, I see that the comment means “we’ve only actually been able to double the lifespan of nematodes”.

    1. I read the article very carefully and came away with the impression that the author definitely implied that they blended up nematodes into a smoothie, which is likely the most pleasing way to eat them.

      What is surprising, is that they didn’t use mice instead of nematodes because mice are a superfood due to all of the genetic engineering and drugs they have been imbued with. If a science mouse has a lifespan quadrupled that of a normal mouse, how much would it increase your own lifespan if you ate it? Surely at least several days.

      1. Wodun, I’d’ve phrased the last part of your first sentence as “likely the least nasty way to eat them.”

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