Hardening Your Place Of Worship

Four things you can do right now. Plus, “this Jewish boy is buying a gun.”

It’s really the only solution. The Left’s position on guns is both utopian and irrationally inconsistent. They simultaneously insist that Trump is Hitler, but that only Der Staat should have arms.

[Update a few minutes later]

Dad with a gun shoots down a masked gunman at a McDonald’s full of kids. That’s ultimately the only way it can work in a free country. And with more of this, attempts at mass murder would be more discouraged. “Gun-free zones” are nothing but an open invitation to these people.

6 thoughts on “Hardening Your Place Of Worship”

  1. Generally OK advice…

    I’d also suggest that the congregation organize advanced first aid training, specifically trauma care like stop the bleeding.. https://www.dhs.gov/stopthebleed

    And stock suitable supplies (tourniquets, hemostatic gauze) because the EMT’s are going to be AFTER the police…and when seconds count, having them minutes away isn’t going to work.

  2. My wife showed me photos of a young engaged couple from church. In one photo, I noticed something, and said “she’s carrying. Cool.”

    And my wife informed me that quite a few men at church carry during services (I’m not a member, so I’m not as privy to details like that). And I approve of that.

  3. Back in 2001 I accompanied a Jewish friend of mine to a large temple that was hosting a Kosher Foods festival. (I’m a Gentile but I was there to check out hot Hebraic babes.) This was about a month after 9/11, and the place was filled with heavily armed police. I felt safe and I believe she did, too. Yet when Trump advocated posting guards in and around synagogues, she reacted as if he were telling Jews to eat pork. I wanted to point out the passage in the Talmud, “If someone is coming to kill you, kill him first.” But she already seemed discombobulated and I didn’t want to add to her discombobulation.

  4. The investigation is still ongoing, but based on the preliminary information, the father won’t face any charges, the station reports.

    Charges for what, exactly? Preventing a massacre?

    1. In some formerly civilized parts of the world the idea of a private citizen wielding deadly force to protect himself and his neighbors gives “polite” people the vapors, and the father would be under arrest. Never mind that in those regions criminals of certain backgrounds operate largely with impunity.

    2. And that the last you will hear about that story…down the memory hole lest someone point out how effective his actions were.

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