3 thoughts on “The Carolina Reaper”

  1. I’m ok with habanero. I’m not even interested in the Ghost Pepper. Definitely not the Carolina Reaper.

  2. I’m surprised no one had heard of Reaper. It is the bomb of peppers, though just under the US police grade of pepper spray on the Scoville scale. That scale, BTW, is just the number of cups of sugar water needed to reduce the heat of one cup of pepper to zero. Police pepper spray is 2.5 to 5.3 million on that scale. Reaper is 2 to 2.2 million. Ghost, which I love, is 0.9 to 1.5 million.

    When we visited the Wild Turkey distillery on one of our bourbon tours, we found out they have put out a specialty bourbon, Wild Turkey Honey Sting. It’s Wild Turkey with a bit of honey and Ghost pepper. It’s amazing!

    I typically add a few grains of Ghost to my scrambled eggs in the morning, It adds fire to the day! My wife, the lovely and talented KfK, gave me a grinder of smoked Ghost pepper for Christmas one year – it will last me the rest of my life, easily.

  3. I bought a couple of 2 oz. shakers of ground Carolina Reaper and smoked ghost pepper from Amazon for about $10 each. Very tasty in extremely small doses. Popular with my in-laws from India

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