2 thoughts on “National Unity”

  1. H. L. Mencken once quipped, “A plea was made for party unity, but cooler heads prevailed.”

  2. If you think nationalism is a great thing, using it to sell tax cuts, school choice or religious liberty will inevitably make opponents of those things dislike nationalism even more. The same applies to patriotism, religion, and every other grand concept.

    This is a double edged sword because while Jonah would prefer not to talk about some subjects, sometimes they need to be talked about. Its like the old saying, “You might not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.”

    Is Jonah aware of what has been going on in gaming, the publishing industry, visual entertainment, academia, and on and on? How does he propose to combat the rot without bringing politics into it? A battle of ideas is essentially politics.

    Nationalism is the remedy to holding together a country made up of people from all over the world. It isn’t being used to sell tax cuts, economics are, but instead used to highlight American ideals, values, culture, ect that make us what we are as a country and to defend it from people who view the USA as illegitimate and in need of replacing with the marxist worker’s paradise. It is also a call to look at what our government does and question whether it really serves the best interests of our sovereign nation and whether or not we are using all of the tools at our disposal to protect our interests.

    Here’s my succinct request to Donald Trump and all the Democrats and Republicans trying to unseat him.

    Stop trying to unify the country.

    The Jonah of this timeline is more about trolling while beating his chest about principles than actually understanding what is going on or coming up with ways to solve problems. Was his article a little self serving? A little disunity is a good thing? IMO, people haven’t become Jonah skeptical because of the desire for unity but because his disunity is often uninformed, emotional, hypocritical, personal, and lacks any self reflection.

    At least he is a dog person, so there is hope for him yet.

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