15 thoughts on “The Insanity At The Dem Debate”

  1. Yeah, beto is crazy, but that is not the argument I will hang my hat on to justify not voting for him. Name ANY president in our history that didn’t at least once violate their oath to defend and protect the constitution.

    1. His words were not particularly disturbing since I accept that all of the candidates hold the same basic position. The pan out from the video showing the applauding crowd jumping up and down is what’s dangerous. It is the cheering mob that gives politicians the cover necessary to act on their positions.

  2. He just guaranteed that he won’t be nominated, and simultaneously recorded for President Trump the best anti-Democrat campaign ad he could ever have hoped for.

    The statement he made was exactly what the Second Amendment was adopted to counter. When the government declares its intent to disarm the citizenry, that is when the citizenry opens fire on whoever from the government shows up to collect their arms. Someone should explain that to these bozos. I think the people they would send out would understand that, at least after a few of them didn’t come back.

    1. Yes, that’s exactly what the Second Amendment is for:

      Tyrant: I’m going to confiscate your guns.

      Citizen: If you try it, I’ll kill you. Your move.

      1. As someone pointed out to me yesterday, “When your government says you don’t need any guns, you need a gun.”

    2. The promise to disarm the public is enough to deny him support from anyone sane. But what about donkey super-delegates and nakedly corrupt local election officials? The latter are sure to not want a repeat of that incident in Athens, Tennessee.

  3. So is the new middle-of-the-road position a “buy back those guns” while the extreme left position is simple “take those guns”?

    So I wonder how where the bidding starts on the “buy back” approach. Obviously if the price offered is $1 million, per; I will sell my AK-47. If the price is $20, I won’t. How do the moderate “buy backers” plan to set such a price?

    If I bought an old weapon, cleaned it and restored it, and sell it ‘back’ to the BATF for more than I paid, do I have to pay capital gains tax on the difference?

    If I make or assemble more AK-47s from unfinished parts, (or with a 3-D printer) can I sell them ‘back’ at the going rate?

    If I’m a religious leader with a cult following and we support our compound near Waco Texas with wives and kids by making and selling AK-47s, will the BATF knock before they enter to make Beto’s offer?

  4. He was overcome by the aristocractic leanings of his ancestors and was channeling King George Under Secretary William Knox.

    “The Militia Laws should be repealed and none suffered to be re-enacted, & the Arms of all the People should be taken away, & every piece of Ordnance removed into the King’s Stores, nor should any foundry or manufactory of Arms, Gunpowder, or Warlike Stores, be evre suffered in America, nor should any Gunpowder, Lead, Arms or Ordnance be imported into it without License; they will have but little need of such things for the future, as the King’s Troops, Ships Forts will be sufficient to protect them from any danger.”

  5. So, let me see if I have this right. The Democrats are saying that they will take a ton of stuff away from me; confiscate my guns, ban plastic and fossil fuel, ban my car, massively increase my taxes, and they’re calling me a racist who should be ashamed of, and made to suffer for, the way I was born, because they are hell bent to make everything about race. Oh, and they want to wreck the economy too, via a “green new deal” that’s so pathetically stupid that even the moron who came up with it, AOC, tried to claim it was a Republican satire hacked onto her website.

    Gee, for some odd reason, I don’t find that to be appealing.

    Um, did Donald Trump infiltrate their policy department? Because if there’s a better way to motivate me to vote for Trump, and indeed donate to him, I don’t know of anything that could do a more effective job than what the Democrats are doing.

    1. With everything the democrats are threatening, they may have a militia laying in wait near their election night party on the off chance the donkey fraud pays off.

    2. The Democrats are a collection of competing identity groups, and the candidates are competing to see just how many of those identity groups they can get to support them with wackier and wackier policies.

  6. Typical 2nd amendment supporter: I will fight to the death to preserve the rights enshrined in our constitution.

    Democrats and red flag law advocates: These views show you shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun.

    It’s already happening. Molon labe is being criminalized. When they want to troll your writings, it isn’t for impending violence against innocents. It is to take normal people and criminalize their existence.

  7. OK, so let’s take them at face value. They start with a ‘mandatory’ buy-back program. How is that enforced? I know most people see this being a big problem in more rural areas, but what about big cities. Are they going to have federal officers go door to door to make sure all these guns are gone? That will go over really well. Most people who live in small communities and own guns are law abiding. What happens when agents show up at a criminals house to come in and get the guns. That’s what I thought. Imagine the nightly news where innocent citizens and officers are killed/hurt and the building is destroyed. Good idea, Dems.

    1. Beto is now insisting that the seizure of guns doesn’t include actually seizing the guns, I suppose because it became obvious that there would be millions of resultant gun fights, each resulting in fatalities. Then the moron said that people would just voluntarily turn their guns in. New Zealand’s new gun ban so far has a 0.1% compliance rate, with criminal gangs boasting that they won’t turn in their guns because they need them for crime.

      All Beto did was kill any Democrat hope of “common sense” gun control measures.

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