6 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren”

  1. Back in my activist phase, visiting many diffuse groups, I came to realize that, while conservatives complained about the Liberal Media, with a good amount of justification, the progressives also complained about the media, except that they called it the Corporate Media, not entirely without justification either. We may never know what Warren actually thinks, but she may just be playing to her crowd.

  2. She exploited academic racialism to get a job. That may not be as virulent as old T. Wobble Wobble (his actual first name was Thomas), but I’d dare call it racist.

    1. She exploited the Progressive Left’s One-Drop Rule. In the Democratic Party’s Jim Crow segregationist days, to have that “one drop” made you non-white, which was considered a legal liability. Now, in the name of the “diversity” and “incusion”, “one drop” still makes you non-white, but now that’s considered legally beneficial.

      (The German NSDAP had the same rule. Bigots always seem to operate in the same way, don’t they?)

      1. As I understand it, the Nazis based their racial laws on the Democrats’ laws in the US, but toned them down because the US laws were too racist for the Nazis. They couldn’t have a ‘one drop rule’ for Jewishness, because it would make just about everyone in Germany Jewish; there’s probably almost no-one there who didn’t have a Jewish ancestor somewhere in their past.

        1. You sure? This is anecdotal, but I know of instances of Americans of German heritage who regarded themselves as having Jewish ancestors by way of family stories, yet DNA testing reveal as much Ashkenazi ancestry as Senator Warren has of American Indian.

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