12 thoughts on “This Impeachment”

  1. I can only note that the Democrats are silent on what, specifically, laws they claim Trump broke?

    It’s sort of understandable. After all, if they claim that he violated federal law by asking Ukraine for information about the 2016 election, parhaps with an implied threat, how do they possibly explain 4 Democrat senators doing so specifically (including naming Trump), and in writing, including explicitly threatening Ukraine?

  2. To this the democrat’s talking point is “impeachment is a political act, not a legal one”. In others words, we will keep holding elections until we get the result that we want…

    1. I think you got that the other way round. I believe it’s: “We’ll keep holding impeachment hearings until we get the election result we want…”

      1. I think David S got it right the first time: We will keep holding elections until we get the result that we want. I think that was the reasoning expressed by Turkish leader “Democracy is like a train; you get off once you have reached your destination” Erdogan..

      2. “We’ll keep holding impeachment hearings until we get the election result we want…”

        Precisely. Supposed this attempt to impeach/remove fails; likely in the Senate. There is nothing to permit Al Greene/Schift/Nadler/Pelosi from having multiple impeachment votes on other bogus “charges”. Especially if Trump wins re-election and the dems still control the House.

        1. Well one thing that would put a damper on such endless impeachments would be a total and thorough thrashing on election night.

          Given all the loony lefty ideas of the Loony lefty candidates, and the fact that the Loony Left House has done almost nothing in the last 2 years, one could usually expect total destruction of the loony left at the polls.

          Some like Polosi will never lose because she comes from the looniest of districts. But others should be turned out of office and the 2020 election should be a landslide

          1. If they were rational, maybe (but then if they were rational they wouldn’t be progressives..). As it stands, such drubbing would be sold as proof positive that Trump is colluding with Russia/The Ukrane/The Red Lectroids, and they’d go even further ’round the bend

    1. We should never forget that Democrats once lost an election, and their response was to try and create their own country, and instead they ended up starting a war. So all this is nothing new for them.

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