5 thoughts on “The Resistance”

  1. I truly hope that speech was a warm-up to actual criminal charges against the deep-state pols, apparatchiks and their MSM stooges.

    I’m getting real tired of waiting on the Huber, Horowitz and Durham investigations to produce real indictments.

    1. That can be a good sign, though. Really competent investigators cross all the T’s and dot the i’s to put together an air-tight case, and do it without leaking a word. Ideally the people they question can’t even figure out what the questions were about, so they can’t warn their buddies and co-conspirators.

      1. A lot hinges in the next election. Should a Democrat win, the spying and coup against Trump will be swept under the rug and everyone involved will get raises, bonuses, promotion, and will be in firm control of government agencies to continue the slide toward a progressive marxist dictatorship.

  2. It gives me hope for the future of the Republic that someone who made it to that position is so cognizant of history, and of the nature of the American government.

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