8 thoughts on “The GAO On Artemis”

  1. Bad year to own Boeing stock. The best thing that ever happened to me was leaving NASA. I told a few people when I left, the only reason they wouldn’t kill another astronaut in the next ten years was because they wouldn’t actually fly one. That was over 8 years ago.

    1. I was thinking, maybe Boeing is having a run of bad luck and maybe this is a time to get a bargain on the purchase of its stock because we are talking about, Boeing, you know, the B-17, the 707, 727 and 747 airliners.

      But then again, I heard that Boeing isn’t the old Boeing of the B-17 and the 707, 727 and 747 airliners. Being consumed from within by its merger partner, it has become the McDonnell Douglas of the DC-10?

      1. I did check, and really, Boeing stock is up about 6% from a year ago. Then again, if you bought last year for Christmas and sold on March 1st, you made about 33%.

        Speaking of the older planes, apparently you can get a bargain on the stock of those too. They are all over the place sitting idle.

  2. Are you referring to Starliner being stuck in the wrong orbit?

    Sounds like Boeing is having recurring software issues.

  3. What’s the line from Chernobyl? Paraphrased: “Low orbit, still in space, not bad…not terrible!”

  4. I just cannot get interested in Artemis because I don’t think it will actually fly anything, ever before being cancelled.

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