The Rise Of The Bern

Will he get the nomination? It would be a risky thing and a disaster if he won the election, but it’s hard for me to see how he beats Trump. Bloomberg, on the other hand, might have a shot.

[Saturday-morning update]

25 thoughts on “The Rise Of The Bern”

  1. “it’s hard for me to see how he beats Trump. ”

    Me too, but most Democrats will probably fall in line and vote for him. The question then becomes how many stay home.

    A fair question to ask people: “Which old guy do you want? The one who clearly loves what he’s doing, or the guy who looks like he’d start waving his cane in the air at any moment?”

  2. Sanders/Warren. Lizzie never said Bernie told her she couldn’t be a VP.

    Bloomberg is snubbing NH. Bi-coastal guy can go to hell.

  3. As I think Al Smith said of FDR, “Everyone likes Santa Claus.” He meant that a lot of people will vote for whoever promises them the most free stuff. Bloomberg’s tv commercials indicate that that will be Nanny State Mike’s basic pitch. That’s essentially “liberals'” basic pitch, but his is that “Mike can get it done”–that is, he will actually deliver the free stuff.

  4. I hate Sanders more than I hate any other American. I hate him due to what he’s done; his 2016 candidacy, plus his Senate career, have made socialism less of an anathema in America that it was before. And for that, I hate the bastard, a lot, because socialism is utter cancer upon the body politic, and anyone wanting to inflict it on America is an avowed enemy as far as I am concerned. I feel the same way about socialists as I do their brethren, national socialists.

    As for Sanders as the nominee; the only way I can see that being in any way a good thing is if he caused a rerun on the 1972 election; leftist hack loses by the largest landslide in modern US electoral history. If that would happen, then great – the Democrats might, as with McGovern’s loss in 1972, learn not to do that again.

    Anything less than that, though… No, because it further legitimizes the vile and disgusting ideology of Sanders and his ilk.

    1. He is representative of the rising tide of authoritarian progressive marxism in the Democrat party. They are no where near the point where that ideology will be rejected.

    2. “I hate Sanders more than I hate any other American. ”

      Arizona, the people I hate more are the dumbasses who either don’t know or ignore the fact that Bernie has 3 houses and one of them is on Lake Champlain lakefront property. Bernie is the living statement on how Commie leaders get rich and commie followers get nothing.

  5. Bernie Saunders seems to me to more than a socialist. He seems to be a straight up communists; “billionaires shouldn’t exist” or some such quote. And after the rich sign over all their stock shares to pay his (& Warrens’) wealth tax who would own Amazon/Walmart etc.? Answer the federal government; state ownership of most of the means of production that is communism. He just seems to be unaware that he is a communists; hiding behind layers of self-generated rationalizations.

    1. It would be a lot easier for you to shop if you had less choices in what deodorant you use and as a bonus, government would be able to take the money currently spend on deodorant and spend it on other stuff, like gullible warming or training children how to become activists.

  6. Ideologically that arrested Burny organiser exposed by Veritas, is 100% venn diagrammed by the Sanders campaign. With this MSM supported dalliance with full blown communism, sooner or later America will slip and rediscover what the Kulaks went through. It’s the volcano waiting to consume the world.

    1. You remember the last election where they taped the Hillary campaign’s wetwork team plotting chemical attacks and bragging about recruiting and training the mentally ill and disabled to infiltrate Trump events and start fights?

  7. If either Crazy Bernie or Quid Quo Joe were elected, they would be older when they took office than the oldest President, Ronald Reagan, was when he left office. But Reagan’s age was a “huge” issue to the Dems back then. Why is it a non-issue with these two?

    1. And, yes, I meant “why isn’t Biden’s or Sanders’ age an issue,” not why isn’t Reagan’s age an issue. I could hear the wheels turning in David Spain’s brain…

      1. All that squeaking making it hard to concentrate?
        My apologies….

        I will not make Reagan’s youth and inexperience an issue in this discussion…

    2. Age? Heck,with a Republican, even a minor heart condition would be called a disqualifier from office. Sanders having a major heart attack on the campaign trail though… soon forgotten.

      1. Not by potential VP (who can deliver a large block of delegates) Warren… Once elected just start shearing off from the tractor beam of the Bernie mothership until the pump fails. #MakeHillaryProud

  8. Of all the groups, philosophy students ought to know better. When did College philosophy departments give up on seeking truth? Did they accidentally fold in the PoliSci majors in that group? A well grounded philosopher can Fisk Socialism in under 5 minutes. Hell the best of them, M. Ferris Bueller did it in less than 5 seconds!

  9. Not this International Relations major. Studying Maoist China and the Soviet Union (I had lots of history), and seeing the Cuban refugees coming across the Florida Straits while living in Miami, including the 1980 Mariel Boat Lift, cured me of even the slightest desire of having a flirtation with Communism. Plus, my first overseas ESL teaching job was in Nanjing, PRC, in 1987-1988. This was the time the economic reforms were just starting to kick in, and as far as I could tell everybody was running away from Uncle Karl and Mad Mao as fast as they could. I’m a confirmed realpolitik type of guy.

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