18 thoughts on “Hillary”

  1. Four hour documentary. Seriously, my profound admiration to anyone who could sit through that subject matter for that duration.

    Since this will be on Hulu, I am supposing the documentary was supposed to be some kind of hagiography? I can’t imagine that anyone on either side of the aisle would learn anything new about her.

    Every candidate’s supporters are identical…they understand their candidate’s flaws and already have baked that in to their support.

    1. Hagiography? I for one would find it far more interesting to watch a synaxarion of all those who managed to get mysteriously dead after having known the Clintons. The definitive martryology of associates Et bubbas mortus est in ministerio Clintoni.

    2. “profound admiration”, hell, profound sympathy and best wished for a positive resolution of their mental illness for anyone that could sit through 4 hours of that dreck. They don’t make a gun big enough to get me to do it. It would probably be about the same if it was about Trump.

  2. There are two politicians who we continually disappoint:

    Hillary, who we simply do not deserve, and
    Romeny, who is always there for us, when he needs us….

  3. I miss the days when a Dole or Dukakis or Mondale would just disappear, never to be seen again in politics after losses like the ones She and Romney and McCain managed to engineer.

    1. On the other hand, having a politician disappear after a loss is more of of a late 20th Century thing. See Thomas Dewey, Adlai Stevenson, William Bryan, and Grover Cleveland for politicians who again after losing. (And Cleveland did it after actually losing re-election.)

      She’d make a nice addition to that bunch.

      (And Theodore Roosevelt did try for a come-back, too.)

      1. Also: John Quincy Adams, the only former president to be elected to a seat in Congress after his presidency.

  4. I don’t believe Hillary is just spouting off here. I think it’s part of a strategy.

    She wants to be the 2020 nominee. She also knows she would not win the primaries.

    So, what’s her route to the nomination? A contested convention where she walks in to “save the party”. So, she has to arrange things so that there’s no clear winner by the convention. Sanders is looking like he’s got a shot at winning Iowa, plus a likely win in New Hampshire. That makes him the target of choice, at the moment.

    If Biden pulls ahead, then it’s his turn. In Biden’s case, I expect the method would be leaks of Biden corruption, especially with China (something Hillary probably knows all about…).

    I also think there’s a very strong possibility that if any candidate pulls well ahead in the race, they will, tragically, die by suicide….

    1. She wants to be the 2020 nominee.

      Four years ago you had her wasting away with Parkinson’s disease.

      I also think there’s a very strong possibility that if any candidate pulls well ahead in the race, they will, tragically, die by suicide….

      Just like Obama did in 2008.

      1. I wonder if we will ever learn why she colllapses and can’t walk and Obama was young while Bernie has heart problems.

    2. I’m sure she wants to be crowned as Savior of the Party by proclamation. However, there are others who might also want that crown and might have a better chance at getting it. One name that comes to me in the middle of the night is Michelle Obama. That always makes for a bad night.

      1. One name that comes to me in the middle of the night is Michelle Obama.

        She’s left it too late if she’s interested in 2020.

        If she’s interested at all I think she’s conceding Trump a second term and will run in 2024.

  5. I doubt she’s that delusional to think she has a shot at a brokered win. I think rather she thinks she’ll position better in a Biden win than a Sanders win. Sounds like there’s enough bad blood between her and Sanders that she probably has no chance at all to get influence or a political position with his administration. No such bridges have been burned with respect to Biden methinks.

    1. If she keeps acting like she can be “drafted” by a split convention then (A) She might get the nomination and (B) it keeps money flowing into the Clinton *cough* Charity (Remember to NOT call it a bribe! It’s an honorarium for services rendered!). A Win-Win for Team Hillary!.

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