4 thoughts on “The Coastal States”

  1. AB5 is certainly getting a lot of peoples attention, but I think few other states are as stupid as California to enact that particular law, anti dog eat dog law. But it is a anti dog eat dog law and thus nothing new and also dangerous.

    I think the most outrageous thing is the planned blackouts to prevent fires. This disproportionately hits red counties in California and wrecks their economies, as I’m sure intended. At the same time, it doesn’t do anything to stop wild fires. However, it does a lot to destroy food and harm, if not kill off, the infirmed. Why this isn’t causing riots is beyond me, except…

    There is also the new water usage law. Because of other stupid policies, it perhaps is necessary. But this will certainly result in dryer local vegetation and thus more fires. That’s after it annoys people who simply want to take a bath every now and then or have clean clothes to wear. You can also expect it to be abused by the rich, who will never be punished. This seems to have awoken a few, yet still no rallies.

    As for the greater point that others should care. I actually agree. In the meantime, California remembers one of theirs lost in a crash that started a fire that in the wrong season could have torched hundreds of acres. I was touched by all the single use plastic placed as a memorial in front of the Staples Center. I see the priorities that cause people to come together in California.

  2. Just like the European people in NATO, it isn’t our responsibility fight for the Coasters if they aren’t willing to fight for themselves.

  3. I recently moved from California to Ohio. I didn’t really *like* my time in CA, apart from the natural beauty. Los Angeles is far far too urban for me.

    But my move had nothing to do with politics, no matter how outrageous: I needed to return home to be closer to my extended family so I could help them out. If they had been in CA, I’d be moving to there instead of from there.

    People have lots of things weighing on where they decide to put down roots (and once down, you can’t just pack up and leave). Politics and economics is often way down the list (until it involves death-camps and firing squads.) So I do feel for the conservative Californians that are trapped by the political insanity of their neighbors.

    Ironically, one of the most callous, twisted, and unrealistic expectations of our culture today: That you’re just supposed to pack up your life and move chasing a gig, never settling anywhere, never building anything, never owning anything: Nomadic serfdom – it’s often something trumpeted by the Coasties at the rest of us. Abandon your ruined homeland! Learn to code!

    Try not to include innocent people as collateral damage in your anger at the arrogant bastards who probably will end up destroying our country.

    1. Yes. The whole ‘get on your bike’ thing is pure evil; it breaks up extended families, destroys social cohesion and results in a lot of atomized economic units that we used to call ‘people’.

      Which, of course, was the whole intention. Globalists wanted to build a world of atomized economic units, rather than nations that try to defend themselves against globalists.

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