9 thoughts on “Gerst”

  1. I’m not a fan of Gerst. I think that his slow, non-innovative approach is not a good match for SpaceX and I hope he doesn’t slow their progress.

    1. Agreed. The one potentially good thing about this hire is that it doesn’t appear he’s being put in charge of anything. If SpaceX uses him strictly as a technical resource and as a sort of ambassador-at-large to NASA, Congress and OldSpace it could wind up getting its money’s worth.

  2. He has a lot of experience to bring to the company but also helps grease the wheels when it comes to government contracts. +1 on the Tweed Corruption Index, or would it be +2 considering his previous position?

  3. Gerst impressed me as a very technically and politically competent program manager, though I always thought he steered things toward the technical. I think this is a very good thing for SpaceX, based on my observations of the man. I think he could blossom in an environment that isn’t NASA.

    I also think he could help SpaceX immensely simply by providing an oral history of his time there. It would inform SpaceX’s future dealings with the Agency to significant advantage. It’s a great move.

  4. It helps to know firsthand how not to get it done. But on the other hand, he oversaw manned flight on ISS for a time. Long-term life support is not simple stuff. Might be some good info and connections there.

  5. Gerst the Preventer of Space Exploration in the news again! Great news for the competitors of SpaceX. Thought he might end up at Boeing. Come to think of it, perhaps Boeing paid him to take this job…

  6. I’m not prepared to say the conventional wisdom (voiced by Berger on Twitter tonight) that Gerst was hired especially for his external relationships and contacts more than anything else is wrong. Like it or not, he does give a certain extra credibility on the wider stage to whatever outfit he ends up with.

    I also have to think that there were at least some phone calls from LockMart and Boeing. I don’t know what they would have paid, but it may be a telling point that he’s chosen to go work for SpaceX at this juncture.

    1. Perhaps part of the value he brings to SpaceX is that he won’t be working for Boeing or Lockmart.

      BtW, does Gerst bear any responsibility for Boeing have received incentive fees on SLS, despite its abysmal performance?

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