4 thoughts on “Climate Extremists”

  1. List of Climate Extremists:


    Interestingly, Senator Klobuchar, expresses good-honest insincerity about the Green New Deal — see https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/429719-klobuchar-on-green-new-deal-i-see-it-as-aspirational.

    I guess the good Senator parts company with her Democratic Presidential Primary rivals in supporting “fracking” for natural gas that she regards as a necessary “transition fuel.” Maybe Williston and Permian basin oil, not as much?


    1. I forgot about Mr. Biden. He is “full in” on the Green New Deal, but I guess we have all forgotten about Mr. Biden by now.

  2. It is no coincidence that the Russians will be left holding the oil reserves when these countries realize the mistakes they have made. The good good news is that all of them are sitting on their own frackable resources. Hmmm…I wonder who has been funding these activists?

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