5 thoughts on “Bloomberg”

  1. Just how desperate is Hillary to align herself with this clown as a Vice Presidential running mate? The most basic of vetting reveals a mountain of decisions that would keep him on the defensive the entire campaign

    1. I dunno, if he can delay until after their swearing in the revelation of his suicidal tendencies she might be quite interested.

    2. Here is how Mr. Bloomberg should respond to the charge that he is some combination of a racist and a fool (a clown in your words).

      “Some call me a racist, but my policies in NYC saved lives. Many lives. The lives of many young minority young men. It saved black lives.

      You pride yourselves that Black Lives Matter. Do you really believe that when you look at how many lives, young black lives, are being lost in so many large cities across America? I saved lives. What are you doing or proposing to save lives? Whatever it is, it doesn’t appear to be working.

      I have admitted that what my administration did went too far in the number of young men we stopped and patted down on the street and in the circumstances under which this was done. Part of leadership is examining a policy and making changes. On reflection, I believe that we could continue to save lives while maintaining our Constitutional Rights. We can adopt better processes and policing practices to protect liberty while getting unlawful guns out of the hands of the young men who are not only the perpetrators but are at the same time the victims of the epidemic of gun murders across our great cities.

      To those calling me a racist, I ask, who is the racist, here?”

      If Mr. Bloomberg said this, I missed it. If he isn’t saying this, it reflects either a lack of courage, conviction, imagination or strength of intellect on his part to come up with this argument.

      Why isn’t he running this message in his expensive TV commercials instead of his whiney beating on President Trump?

  2. Mr. Bloomberg is an electrical engineer.

    But then again, Miss Merkel is a physicist and Herbert Hoover was a mining engineer?

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