The Democrats And 2016

They still haven’t come to terms with it.

They probably never will.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Democrat groans in response to Bloomberg’s defense of capitalism should terrify all of us.

[Update a while later]

First link is fixed, sorry.

[Update a couple minutes later]

The debate was a glorious Wrestlemania.

8 thoughts on “The Democrats And 2016”

  1. Link doesn’t work, but I do agree it takes chutzpah to complain about Comey hurting Hillary when he kept her out of jail. Besides, if she didn’t pass around classified data like it was candy, then it might not have ended up on a pedophile’s laptop. Alas, Hillary was a bad candidate. Like Mike Bloomberg levels of bad and wooden. Even Warren is a better candidate, but only because she doesn’t spit out the beer after taking a swig. Democrats recognized the problem in 2008 but thought it wouldn’t be such an impediment in 2016. It might not have been if she hadn’t given the middle finger to her “Blue Wall” and everyone else between New York and California.

      1. I agree. Sanders had a motivated base that was growing. Sanders might have motivated voters in needed states. This time, Sanders base doesn’t seem as motivated.

    1. Yeah, the DOJ rigged the investigation. Comey was forced to go public because some local agent, is he still alive?, was going to go public. Then the DOJ lied about checking the emails and lied about who had accessed them.

      Saw an article recently that friendly governments had them.

  2. Obama wanted to “fundamentally change America” and he did to a great extent. Fortunately, he was lazy. I never minded all that golf he was playing because he did less damage playing golf than the did playing president. Hillary was going to finish the job. She would’ve filled the existing supreme court vacancy giving the left a 5-4 majority. She would fill those scores of lower court judicial vacancies left vacant by Obama. She would’ve kept the bureaucratic regulatory leviathan going to continue to devastate US businesses. But most of all, she was going to keep the Deep State corruption going by burying all of the skullduggery Obama was doing.

    Fortunately, Hillary was such a lousy candidate that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor. She had the press, the Deep State, the unions, and the party organization behind her and she lost because she was too stupid/drunk/or lazy to go campaign in Deplorable country as Bill told her to do. And for that, I’m eternally grateful.

    1. And she spent billions on her campaign. A lot of companies would have done great in a Hillary economy, provided they paid off the right people.

  3. “…and she lost because she was too stupid/drunk/or lazy to go campaign in Deplorable country as Bill told her to do.”

    My guess is some kind of undisclosed chronic health issue(s) sidelined here when she needed that last surge of campaign stamina. Don’t forget her fainting (poleaxing) or national TV a couple months before the election. When she had to be “helped” (carried) into her waiting vehicle.

  4. The Democrat center was torched in the late 90’s. The commies had nearly taken over by then. Obama cemented the change in ideology and power. Hillary had to rig the primary because the party was already lost to progressive marxism.

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