7 thoughts on “The Nanny-State Napoleon”

  1. Mark Steyn points out he spent more on his election campaign to get the one vote from American Samoa than the entire GDP of American Samoa.

  2. I kind of wish he’d stay in the race so he could address two questions raised by his ads:

    (1) So what makes healthcare a “right”?

    (2) That ad with your biography indicates your life is an example of “the American Dream.” What part of the American Dream is statism, exactly?

  3. “So what makes healthcare a “right”?”

    Democrats say so, so they can nationalize insurance.

  4. As much as I’m enjoying the schadenfreude of watching a power hungry dope with delusions of grandeur burn a half-billion dollars like that, I have to say that we have not yet proven you cannot buy an election.

    What Steyer and Bloomie proved is that you cannot buy an election if your personality is as a zombie.

    We still don’t know if someone with a pulse ca buy an election.

    Trump proved you don’t have to spend billions to win if you have the right touch for the times.

    1. What Steyer and Bloomie proved is that you cannot buy an election if your personality is as a zombie.

      We still don’t know if someone with a pulse ca buy an election.

      If you had any attractive features as a candidate, then some other factor would be blamed for your win than the money.

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