4 thoughts on “Whitewashing The Reds”

  1. Why is anyone shocked that public schools and colleges turn out socialist thinkers? We could cure this pretty easily by mandating life in a collective for four years instead of the military draft. At the end of collective service your college loan is forgiven.

  2. They are not so much interested in socialism as they are in the socialist, that is offering taxpayer money to pay off their student debt.

    1. This will have to get fixed. The gov. created this problem and will have to solve it. Student loan debt for worthless college degrees are going to keep the millennials out of the mainstream economy. It’d be easy to say it’s their own fault for not being able to do the math, but for decades we’ve been coddling the generations since X. We haven’t done them any favors with helicopter parenting and participation trophies instead of real responsibilities, like getting that starter job, paying for your own car (AND insurance) and paying your own way for furthering an education. This was my generation’s fault, not my parent’s generation, which knew better. College was so important that it was worth going into a lifetime of debt? Gov. backed student loans prevented colleges from exercising fiscal discipline as well. To my generation I say…. oops.

      1. I meant the generations *after* X. I don’t see this an a Gen X problem. Things hadn’t gotten totally out of hand yet at that point in time.

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