2 thoughts on “Big Pimping”

  1. Moloch worshipers hate innocence.

    This is a consequence of single mothers (or cucked fathers who let the mothers do whatever they want), and government schools run by communists.

    Hopefully many people who are now having to homeschool their kids because of the Chinese Flu won’t have any desire to send them back to those schools.

  2. Let us not forget where all the estrogen and progestin from the birth control pills go, once they pass unabsorbed through the user’s body, into the municipal sewers, then the sewage treatment plant, and then back again, intact and not broken down, into the municipal water. It’s good for you, like fluoride! Drink up!

    I wonder if this is the real reason every white male I see under the age of forty on the local college campus is grotesquely effeminate, either morbidly obese or looks like a shrink-wrapped skeleton, is as pale as a quart of milk, and has plucked eyebrows, earrings, and hairless broomstick arms, apparently with testosterone levels and sperm counts lower than octogenarians had fifty years ago. Maybe it’s not the soy. Maybe it’s the estrogen and progestin in the water.

    You’d think that people who claim to care about the environment would be concerned about this, wouldn’t you? You’d think people would be concerned about the fact that we’re all swimming in petri dishes full of increasing concentrations of artificial chemicals that are having observable, measurable effects on us. You’d think someone would be concerned about the public health implications. You’d be wrong, of course.

    Some years back a fellow named Alex Jones tried to warn us that the female hormone levels in groundwater in some parts of the US are so high that it’s having an observable, measurable effect on some of the animal life. For daring to speak the truth he was, of course, mocked mercilessly by all the hip, clever late-night TV comedians who tell us what we are and aren’t allowed to say, what we are and aren’t allowed to think, what opinions right-thinking people are and aren’t allowed to hold.

    Sort of like when a fellow named Perot tried to tell us that moving all our industry outside of the US would have consequences, and got his name turned into a punchline to the point where twenty-five years later you can’t hear his name without mentally appending a laughtrack. It’s a good thing he was wrong, and the US is still capable of mass-producing vaccines and pharmaceuticals and medical equipment in order to deal with sudden unexpected global pandemics. Right? Right? Guys?

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