6 thoughts on “Mark Steyn”

  1. Anthony Watts posted this story over at wattsupwiththat. He observed that this could be construed as witness tampering. One of the commenters, james, offered the following: “The subpoena may be an inventive legal maneuver on Mann’s attorney’s part to establish grounds to disqualify (non-responding) M&M as potential expert witnesses should this dumpster fire of a case ever proceed to trial.”

    I couldn’t begin to speculate which is closer to the truth, because it is becoming more apparent by the day that the legal system has devolved into arbitrariness based on the politically-motivated whims of the judges.

    1. Something is seriously WRONG with our legal system when a plaintiff can drag out a case this long. A violation to the Constitutional right to a speedy trial. But we’re not yet in record territory for dragging out a case without foundation.

  2. And yet he was a featured speaker at the skeptics’ convention, CSICon, in Las Vegas, in 2019!

    1. Some of them, but not financial data. But we’ll probably be getting stuff from the University of Virginia that they refused to give to Cucinelli.

  3. Rand, in case this flew under your radar screen:

    The University of Colorado Boulder is closing its Center for Science & Technology Policy Research at the end of this academic year.

    When Waleed Abdalati couldn’t think of any other way to marginalize Roger Pielke, he just decided to close the Center.

    I used to respect Abdalati and enjoy his company, but once he left NASA for his position here at CU, things began to sour. I can’t say I’m surprised Abdalati pulled this crap, but I’m still outranged.

    Pielke’s website:

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