The Suburban Stasi

Yes, this makes me want to go out for a drive just as a big FU to der Staat.

[Update a few minutes later]

Related: I’m glad I don’t live in the new police state of Los Angeles.

These businesses should file suit on Constitutional grounds: There is no law against doing business, even in Los Angeles.

[Update while later]

Everyone jumps off bridges after following government guidelines to jump off bridges.

16 thoughts on “The Suburban Stasi”

  1. Living in the SF Bay Area I’m befuddled by the number of people who now virtue signal by maintaining strict adherence to even the dumbest guidelines/rules that have been imposed on us. They also demand that the force of law should applied to everyone else who doesn’t meet their standards of appropriate compliance. On the other hand, I guess I should not be surprised.

  2. I think it’s pretty simple. I got a slice of cucumber by staying home. You got a grape by driving around floutingly. It’s hardwired unfairness. I think that’s also why libertarians get disproportionately so much flak compared to their size (and lack of misdeeds). They appear to the detractors to be getting away with something.

  3. Rand, you should go out for a drive.

    Saudi has goosed their production above 12 MBPD (10 is long-term sustainable for them, it is believed) to drive American frackers into bankruptcy.

    Maybe not in CA with Boutique Blends, but gasoline is crazy low (below $1.50/gal) in ‘Sconsin.

    1. This is the first economic crisis I have experienced where the oil price is too low.

      Maybe people don’t believe in this sort of thing, but should the Feds by buying up oil to top off the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

    2. I bought gas for $2.59 at Costco last week. I can’t remember the last time it was below three bucks in southern California. Even at Chevron, regular is $2.99.

    3. 60 cents a liter here just south of Edmonton. That works out to about US$1.60 / US gallon. The price has dropped 40% in a month. That’s bad for this area, as this is oil country, and every time oil loses a dollar a barrel the Alberta economy loses about $150 million.

  4. Then there is the Governor of ‘Sconsin has a strict shelter-in-place order for another 3 weeks, but is drawing national attention because the Tuesday April 7 primary election is still “on.”

    The primary to affirm Mr. Biden as the candidate is one thing, but the “non-partisan” but highly charged election for a seat on the state Supreme Court, here, is what Mr. Biden would call a big, fine deal.

    The Governor doesn’t want a crisis to go to waste and has been holding out against the Repubs in the Legislature to relax voter ID, absentee voting, canvasing and a whole list of election requirements.

    There is something silly about putting one’s name on an executive order empowering the Stasi and then insisting on holding an election on Tuesday. Already there appear to not be enough old-person volunteers willing to put their lives on the line to staff the polling places, and the Governor is saying he will call up the National Guard to staff them. Kind of like when the prior Governor busted the unions and was going to call up the National Guard to staff prisons, if needed.

    A lot of people on the Right and around here were fans of the prior Governor, but tell me people, how do you think we ended up (cough, Foxconn, cough) with the current Governor?

    Can you say national laughing stock? I knew you could!

    1. In Queensland Australia our State had local government elections 10 days ago. Voting is compulsory under threat of $133 fine. Despite all the social distancing going on etc we were told it was “perfectly safe” to go to vote by the State’s Chief Medical officer, a befuddled woman clearly out of her depth. Come to think of it that also describes our State Premier and Deputy (think US State Governor although not quite the same). This is the same State Premier who told us a few weeks ago we were in “the fight of our lives”. Pathetic.

  5. I love the first comment after the PJ Media article: “Every Angeleno should follow the Commandant’s orders and report each and every homeless person that they see. I guarantee the order will be lifted in VERY short order.”

    No truer words were ever spoken.

    BTW, gas is $1.98 at Chevron in Manassas, VA. $1.78 if you get a car wash.

  6. I’ve decided that after this 30 Days Free Trial of Socialism runs out, I don’t want to renew. I just hope it’s not like signing up for the Columbia Record Club, where you get to be renewed automatically, whether you want it or not.

  7. Not that I’d want to contradict the esteemed mayor of the city of fallen angels but the traditional phraseology is Snitches get stitches if I correctly recall my urban canon.

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