5 thoughts on “The Millions-Ventilator Myth”

  1. It is also so extremely uncomfortable they also typically anesthetize you into unconscious before they intubate. Your last chance to say goodbye is a wave out a window to a loved one, maybe. Otherwise the nurse will pass along your “message” (last words). Death by this disease is horrible in all respects. My sympathy to all victims and their families. The Greek root for the work pathogen.

  2. I think before Friday, US will have shipped over 2000 ventilators
    to other countries who need them, I would guess central America and South America will most of them.
    And before the Friday after next Friday will shipped more than 10,000 ventilators to other countries

  3. Except the survival rate from ejections is much, much higher than the survival rate for ventilators.

    Maybe comparable to ejection from a Gemini capsule with a pure oxygen atmosphere, I guess.

  4. When this is all over, I’d love to see some actual investigative journalism or congressional hearings on the topic of the computer models they used to generate the pandemic projections. What models were used? What were the assumptions used in the modeling? The old saying still applies, “All models are wrong but some are useful.”

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