3 thoughts on “The New Prohibition”

  1. The idiot mayor of Denver tried the same thing back in mid-March. The result was people leaving the metro area and, since he announced it a day before he intended it to go into effect, massive lines at Denver stores. He backtracked quickly, but not before probably at least dozens of people contracted it because of close proximity in those lines. Statistically it’s probably near certain some people have literally died because of his stupidity.

  2. Isn’t this the same Pennsylvania that oh-so-wisely launched a war on truckers a few weeks ago? I’m not sure it’s the same place, mind you, but it too is called Pennsylvania, and it shut down all the truck stops, rest stops, bathrooms, and even prohibited trucks from parking so the truckers could rest and sleep. The utterly unexpected and totally unforeseeable result was that the truckers stopped going to Pennsylvania was – and unexpectedly, this caused shortages of the things truckers bring.

    I think I’m seeing a pattern here… can’t quite put my finger on it though…

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