3 thoughts on “Sleeping With A Man Out Of desperation”

  1. It’s my understanding that under current rules, women can’t give consent if they’ve been drinking, so this is a description of a rape. Right?

    Btw, I had a friend who had a paid gig writing Penthouse Letters. He said the work dried up once the editors figured out there were idiots willing to do it for free, and the idiot readers couldn’t tell the difference.

  2. All too common a tale: young woman comes out, very publicly, then two or three years later, she is marrying a man, planning a long life together, and starts popping out babies. Seems to me a lot like the Gay by May thing that happens at a lot of art colleges, where young people experiment, think it is permanent, and most go back the way they were when the peer pressure subsides.

    I now await the toxic programmed replies.

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