Trust The “Experts”

Public health authorities have failed us at every level, and the powerful people who were catastrophically wrong about China.

[Update a while later]

The long hard road to decoupling from China. We cannot have globalization with countries that do not share our values of liberty and individualism. But we should more strongly embrace the China that works: Taiwan.

[Update a couple minutes later]

A bipartisan call for WHO to make Taiwan a member. That of course begs the question that WHO is an organization even worthy of our funding.

[Update a while later]

The massive failure of the federal government in the pandemic argues against Medicare for all.

2 thoughts on “Trust The “Experts””

  1. Any organization that has ‘World’ or ‘United’ in its name should probably be defunded. All most of them are doing is providing a slush fund for globalists and attacking any nation which tries to oppose globalism.

    The WHO has obviously been more concerned about globalism than health at least since they told countries not to close their borders over Ebola. In fact, about all I remember them ever doing is tell countries not to close their borders whenever there’s a serious, infectious disease spreading.

    World Pandemic Organization would probably be a better name.

  2. I take strong exception to the suggestion this was not a lab accident as reported in the NR piece, that of all press organizations, cites a NY Times article as evidence for f*ck sake! If our intelligence organizations are this stupid we’re all in big trouble. We have some pretty strong evidence to the contrary as provided by Geo. Turner here. The disappearance of a graduate student who worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and lack of epidemiology on her and the subsequent actions of the CCP to pretend a
    she still alive. The fact that this species of bat that acts as a carrier was not sold in the Wuhan markets but was kept in captivity in numbers at the Institute by who knows how many? But no, CDC help not needed thank you. All is well. Please. Give me a break.

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