2 thoughts on “Irony Abounds”

  1. The greater irony here is that the Democrats have been right all along. Their claim was that there was collusion with Russia by the campaign, to influence the election – and that’s what we have evidence of now.

    The Russians were providing this crafted set of lies for a reason. The reason is either to sow chaos and discord (such as when they buy adds for extremists on both sides) and/or to influence the outcome of the election. I think both.

    So, who knew this was Russia intel concating this? Well, the former head of the Russia desk at MI5 sure as heck would (Steele). So too would the head of Fusion GPS. This brings us to an interesting scenario – did Steele and Simpson really rip of their clients (the Hillary campaign and DNC) or, were they informed? I think it’s pretty clearly the latter – if you’re going to rip off your client, why use real Russian FSB fakery when you can just make stuff up?

    So, the Democrats have been right all along – there was collusion (and criminal conspiracy) between the campaign and the Russians, with a goal of getting the Russian’s preferred candidate into the White House, via giving her the fake dossier to use as an October Surprise (as they indeed tried to do).

  2. Can Lowry plagiarize himself? In the same spirit, I’ll reiterate. It wasn’t Russia’s plot. They were merely a tool, just like Ukraine, UK, and Australia. The plot was created by Hillary, Obama, the DNC, a knowing and willing media, and career government workers at the highest levels.

    Russia didn’t instigate this or seek out gullible Democrats. Democrats instigated this. The blame for this does not lie with Russia but rather the Democrats. Why are les gullibles falling for the scapegoat Russia meme?

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