6 thoughts on “Land’O’Lakes Butter”

      1. It was Mom, of all people, who showed me the Land-O-Lakes box “hack”, and she got it from the s$x-preoccupied neighbor lady across the street.

  1. The ultimate outcome of this insane ‘wokeness’ is the complete erasure of any form of native american subculture from our own. Way to go. What’s next? Reservations? How can those be considered woke? It’s inherently racist that they exist. They should be carved out of the US and made independent countries and a require a new USMCA trade agreement replete with tariffs. Such a favor we’d do them. Give me back the melting pot of blended cultures. I disagree that diversity is in and of itself a virtue. Prove it. I can give plenty of historical examples where it is not.

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