10 thoughts on “Smooth Move, CDC”

  1. The contamination that effected the CDC tests come from an orange colored vial. Ergo, Trump failure….

    On a more serious note we’re left here with the issue; the source story appears to have originated in Science mag. which to date the CDC has stonewalled. Quotes and link follow:

    CDC finally started to send kits to state and local health labs on 5 February. But on 12 February, it revealed that several labs had difficulty validating the test because of a problem with one of the reagents.

    The key problem with the kits is what’s known as a negative control, says Kelly Wroblewski, director of infectious diseases at the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL). CDC’s test uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to find tiny amounts of the SARS-CoV-2 genome in, say, a nose swab. To make sure a test is working properly, kits also include DNA unrelated to SARS-CoV-2. The assay should not react to this negative control, but the CDC reagents did at many, but not all, state labs. The labs where the negative control failed were not allowed to use the test; they have to continue to send their samples to Atlanta.

    … later …

    CDC provided an update about the situation in an email but did not respond to Science’s request for an interview with a scientist to discuss the details of the problem.


  2. So I guess Gun walking was all the ATF’s fault and you have to be deranged to blame Holder, and/or Obama?

    Um organizations not following their own policies and protocols is a pretty clear issue of leadership and management. Certainly seems like there is pretty clear leadership issues. Leadership who spent far too much time kissing the ring of the boss to “protect their phony baloney jobs”.

    Why is it the two Government medical/health administrators who are frontal face are left overs from prior administrations While the current administrations appointed health administrators have mostly sneaked back into the background other than occasional appearance by one of the most powerless political appointees the surgeon general. Yea noticed Redfield has resurfaced recently to a briefing in the last few days.

    1. Seriously? You’re sufficiently a moron to think that Holder was unaware of the gun walking? If so, why did he find himself in contempt of Congress because he refused to testify about it?

      And seriously? You’re sufficiently a moron to think that Trump was following the incompetence at the CDC, and approving of it?

      Glad to have morons here to show how idiotic the Left is.

      1. First I ain’t the left. Just because I disagree with the dixicrats or the cult of personality that took over GOP does not make me the left. Though guess you and others are throwing out people and still drinking their bathwater (though a few times tossing out the bathwater too), where questioning Jonah Goldberg understanding of simple fundamental concept of Federalism, but then still accepting he has a understanding of more complicated concepts of Fascism, and Liberalism. I gladly stand on the side of Jonah Goldberg, Ken White, George Will and Justin Amash, with a few disagreements but I guess they are leftest now?

        Contempt of congress is the bar? Then I guess you were outraged at these people for their contempt of congress too ? To hide the naked attempt to consolidate their political power. No I don’t consider Holder with out blame in the gun running more pointing out the Hypocrisy.

        No I don’t suggest Trump should be daily in the minutiae of the CDC but that hasn’t stopped him from undercutting or interfering with the Minituae and start fights with organizations under his purview. That many of these organizations, looking over their shoulder have to worry about not going against the boss politics or optics.

        He did promise to put the “BEST” people in charge of these organizations, he did select and approve of these individuals. These individual oversaw the organization diverge from policies/procedure which might be OK if it results in a good result though may require to review/revise the operation procedures as postmortem. But in this case they diverted from practices and they clearly failed in spectacular fashion. So either leadership most likely diverted from procedure intentionally, or are incompetent and had attention diverted enough that were unaware of the divergence from procedure by underlings on a matter that was so important enough to cause travel restrictions. Again the fish rots from the head first.

        1. The notion that Trump was in charge of who was in charge of the CDClab at fault is idiotic, and that even if he had, that whoever he’d put in charge would have cleaned house at the lab is equally so. Maybe Trump should have cleaned house, but he had a lot of other problems in that regard, such as an FBI and IC that was at war with him before he came into office.

          But please, continue to demo your idiocy.

          1. The notion that Trump was in charge of who was in charge of the CDC is idiotic

            Progressives types want to blame The Orange Clown for not replacing people whose replacements they’ve blocked. Typical.

            I think one of the reasons that he brought up recess appointments this past weeks is because he is not getting his people in charge. I think he is telegraphing something he’ll attempt (if the Supreme Court lets him) if he’s still President a year from now.

          2. The notion that Trump was in charge of who was in charge of the CDC is idiotic.

            Ah who selected Robert Redfield ? and how bout his predecessor Brenda Fitzgerald ?

            Now you could state that Trump a bozo and has no clue of what would be a good CDC director, and people around him that he nominated pushed/appointed a Shill Redfield to be in charge of the CDC with out input from Trump. That as far as they were concerned Redfield best qualification was essentially, he a doctor with the right belief system and he’s aligned with “AIDS Patients deserved it” and being vocal christian to be in charge of pieces of the federal Health apparatus, while never being in charge of more than 400 people.
            But in the end Trump also Selected Price and Azar, so if Trump didn’t select the CDC director, he selected the people who did.
            Only the best.

  3. Trump early shutdown of air travel was good. but even better, considering CDC and don’t forget the stupid red tape, which prevented
    CDC from “recovering” from it’s stupidity.

    Everything is being handled poorly, but imagine if we had governmental universal “healthcare”- we still would not have tests, and be using tests that don’t work.
    And costs not doing enough test and tests that didn’t work, would mean only movie stars could get {and afford} the tests.
    And it seems that Superpower China has yet to make a workable test. But China can send junk that doesn’t work.

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