7 thoughts on “Want More Trump?”

  1. Reason gets worse every day. Rico Suave knew he only had one paragraph worth of a point so he led with irrelevant gossip about what someone said on Twitter and padded it out with more of the same.

    1. Another unintentional Trump ad, by Engineer.

      As someone whose son was in an ambulance (after being in a life-threatening car accident) that was (briefly) stuck in traffic, I will point out the picture shows the protesters making a hole for the ambulance.

  2. Lots more Trump from what I’m seeing. It’s funny to see Democrats trying to pin all this on Trump, both the virus spread and the poor economy. Trump was the first to act in late January, while he was being impeached. For his action, he was called a racist. Later, when he was talking about the need to restart the economy; they said he was providing false hope. Now, they claim he is fomenting rebellion, while they arrest people for assembly and threaten to take away their guns. Nobody is protesting the White House, other than the media which is literally going bankrupt.

  3. It would be better to end “lockdown” sooner, but a large part why it’s not being ending sooner is due to Dems.
    We should take this time slowly exit “lockdown”, but seems it will be ended in about 2 weeks, and maybe we will begin to open international travel to Europe in about 2 weeks.
    I am guessing end of lockdown hero will be Sweden.
    The MSM will be disappointed with Sweden “news” in about 1 week, but they could talk about Italy which will also out lockdown in a week- they are starting now. And Italians may be partying in a week.
    And I am also optimistic, that NYC will be revolting in about a week.

    But there will also be bad global news in about a week.
    Mexico doesn’t look good, nor Latin America, but South America looks worse.
    Belgium looks UK a few days ago {but somehow, worse}
    Total deaths, Belgium: 490 per million
    UK: 237 deaths per million
    Other countries took Italy cases when it really bad in Italy- which might be altering the Belgium death total. Worse state death in Europe, and Belgium is showing no signs of peaking, yet. +1,313
    new cases {and not large population compared other European States]. Hmm, could be bump due a lot more testing- more per capita than US.
    Anyhow, good news is, every nation in World seems to getting a lot more testing done.
    Bad news, is it doesn’t seem like antibody tests are not going help get out lockdown, any sooner. And probably, have to be “saved” by Europe

  4. I have no idea who “Patton Oswalt” is. Doubt that I ever will. Ah. I see he was on the TV show King of Queens. That explains it.

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