2 thoughts on “Death By Meteorite”

  1. Injury and death by a meteorite is odd, but I had not realized that Russians were sunburnt by their meteorite:
    “Out of the total 1674 collected Internet responses, 374 mention 452 body injuries or inconveniences (SM section 2.2). Of those, 5.3% reported sunburn, 48% eyes hurt, and 2.9% retinal burns.” http://cams.seti.org/Popova2013-ms.pdf

    Or the breaking of windows could seem like common explosion could cause it, and baseball falling high enough might kill someone, so the apparent oddity of so few dying when the million of tons stuff is falling from sky over centuries- not killing more people or herds of animals has a strangeness to it.
    But many people being sunburnt by a space rock has an uniqueness to it.

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