7 thoughts on “Obama Was In On it”

  1. That pack of hyenas wouldn’t stick their collective necks that far out over a chopping block without being told to.

  2. But.. The Community-Organizer-in-Chief repeatedly and proudly claimed His administration was “free of scandal.” Does that mean He’s a liar, or that He was just unaware of what His followers were doing? Neither looks all that good.

    And to follow up on Art’s comment– the “pack of hyenas” didn’t need direct orders. Their knowing that higher ups would approve their activities, cover for them, run interference, and pardon them if necessary, is as good as a direct order.

    1. Free of scandal in this case doesn’t mean Obama did nothing wrong. It just means the press never called him out for the criminal things he did. Odds are they never will. Their mindset is, “If we don’t report it, it never happened.”

  3. That email from Rice was released years ago. I remember commenting on it here. It is too bad it didn’t get much traction then. The new part is it put Yates there and provided more details about the meeting.

    Anyone who thinks the DOJ, CIA, DNI, NSA, FBI, State Department, and ither government organizations weren’t ordered by Obama to spy on the Trump campaign, work with the UK, Ukraine, and Australia, and set up a coup after the election are blind to reality.

    This level of interagency and international coordination doesn’t just spontaneously happen but look for the Democrats and the media to start saying the Deep State is real and career non-partisan government workers did this all on their own.

    The Deep State isn’t even the Deep State, its just Democrats abusing the power they hold while working government jobs to further the goals of their party.

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