Saint Yovanovich

Well, well, well. It turns out that she was dissembling in her Congressional testimony.

[Update a while later]

And the hits just keep on coming. Crowdstrike had no proof that the Russians hacked the DNC server.

[Afternoon update]

Grenell has revealed the list of the many Obama administration people who requested unmasking of Flynn. Joe Biden, who says he didn’t know anything about it, is on it. Of course, given his increasing dementia, maybe he just forgot.

2 thoughts on “Saint Yovanovich”

  1. Another Solomon word salad. Question where is he getting this quote “It just wasn’t a big deal,” only incident of “big deal” in the transcript I see is from Congressman Meadows on page 237. Unless I missed something, attributing direct quotes to the wrong person, see John is living up to the Dan Rather’s Journalistic standards here.

  2. The more of these nefarious acts that are revealed, without justice, it becomes more damaging for the Republicans. If they have no balls, they should just sit on it and suck their thumbs. The reveal with no finish, is just dobbing to the teacher.

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